and Curriculum
Our courses, which begin with the Foundation certificate program in coaching,
offer a platform to build a professional identity as a business, executive,
or internal corporate coach. Or even as a personal coach who does some
business coaching.
Our most popular class, ECA 201, the Foundation Course: Certificate
Program in Coaching is the prerequisite course for new students as well
as those in the intermediate stages of their coaching and consulting careers.
This is the course that started all the excitement about our program.
The course includes hands on experience coaching and being coached by
fellow students and the instructor on the intake process, setting goals,
establishing the relationship, administering assessment tools and applying
them in coaching. The objective is to give students the ability to collect
data deeply so theycan become the worldís leading expert in both
their clients and their clientís organization. Our program is known
to some of the top vendors of coaching assessment tools. We offer training
programs in conjunction with a top developer of 360-degree feedback instruments.
Our classes include experiential learning of on-line assessments from
Consulting Psychology Press including the MBTI, Firo-B, TKI and the Strong
and Skills assessments. All students get hands on training in using the
following assessment tools: MBTI, Firo-B, Strong & Skills Assessment,
Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI), and one of the following: GLOF (Global
Leader of the Future), LOF (Leader of the Future), PEA (Professional Effectiveness
Assessment) or
Leader of the New Millennium. Note: although students receive training
on all these assessment tools, they will need to contact the vendors of
the instruments if they wish to become certified in using them.
and Newsletter
We offer onsite seminars for small business and corporations that can
move your HR and OD staff into the front ranks of coaching. We offer a
certificate program for corporate coaches as well.We publish an international
email newsletter, Corporate Coach Direct (CCD) that provides information
on executive, corporate, and business coaching and consulting. CCD has
a readership in both Asia and Western Europe, as well as the United States,
and Canada. We interview some of the most respected and innovative coaches,
and keep up with emerging trends.
Administrative Details
The Foundation class is delivered on the telephone via one-hour conference
calls, twice a week over 16 weeks (a total of 32 hours).Ü There is also
a 2-day in person weekend that usually takes place towards the end of
the course.Ü For those unable to attend the weekend, we offer four individual
coaching sessions from an ECA-approved coach as an alternative.This course
is the pre-requisite for all other courses at Executive Coach Academy,
except through permission from the Dean.
Course cost:
$2,495 if paid in advance; $2,700 payable in three $900 installments.
The cost covers all assessments you will take in the class and a workbook.Ü
You will be responsible for buying several books and articles as well.
Refund Policy:
No student will be charged for course tuition until they have attended
for 30 days and is satisfied that the course meets his or her learning
needs. Students will, however, be required to furnish financial information
(i.e.-credit card number or check) prior to registration.Ü In the event
that students are unable to attend or do not wish to attend the course
after the initial 30 days, they are financially responsible for any assessments
they have taken, or workbooks which they have received during the initial
month they had attended the course.Certification ProgramsWe offer certificate
and certification programs in executive, corporate and business coaching.Ü
Our programs and classes are targeted towards both individuals and organizations
that seek to enhance coaching skills. Course completion will give each
student a Certificate in Coaching & Executive Coaching from Executive
Academy.Completion Requirements
Course completion amounts to completing 47 hours of continuing education
units from Executive Coach Academy (assuming the student takes the two-day
weekend; otherwise the number of CEs received is 32.)Our certification
program in coaching involves completing 120 CE units in classes from Executive
Coach Academy.
To Get Acquainted and Apply
To get acquainted with our program, you may want to go to our archived
newsletters on this site, and read about what weíve been doing
and what has been on our minds. To apply to our program, fill out the
application on this site and fax it to us at 212/873-6809.
If you have a specific request regarding our training programs or classes
send us an email by clicking